Memory Project

Painting by Gildo

Long Island City: Then and Now

In recent years Long Island City has evolved from a gritty Industrial Hub to a sprawling, glass towering habitat for people who want to discover and live in one of the fastest growing neighborhoods, one stop away from Manhattan.

But 50 years ago, L.I.C. I set my camera lens on a new perspective which was an industrial complex of cobblestones, train tracks, chimneys, apartment buildings, single floor residences, manufacturing and factory buildings.

Little did I know I would be photographing the same neighborhood decades later after it went through a dynamic transformation to become the number one destination for young working couples and people who want a place with a river and sky view of NYC.

Just recently in 2012 I went back to the exact same spots and placed my tripod in the exact place only to find that a complete transformation has taken place on both shorelines.

I believe that nothing can stop progress and I am sure in another 50 years there will be many more dynamic changes in architecture and environment.